St. Paul's Co-Ed School,Bhopal
Affiliated to CBSE Delhi,No.1030115
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Social Action Club
The Social Action Club is committed to fostering a spirit of service and community involvement among students.
On 24th July 2024, Social Action Club organized an orientation program for the students of class 7th and 8th to introduce club's objectives and activities for the whole year. The event was graced by the presence of Sister Sherly, whose in valuable insights and experiences served as a beacon of inspiration for all attendees. The orientation program was a fruitful endeavour, successfully igniting a sense of social responsibility, helping nature among students and being compassionate towards helpful and needy. It was an interactive session for the students who proposed the activities that can be taken up to help the poor, down trodden and children with Special Needs, academic material, stationery items etc. that can be provided to these groups.
The programme ended with a vote of thanks assuring that Social Action Club will go forward with a new purpose.
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