St. Paul's Co-Ed School,Bhopal
Affiliated to CBSE Delhi,No.1030115
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Dental Check-up Organised by the Health Club
31-Aug- 2024
On 30 August 2024, the Health Club of St. Paul Co- Ed School organised a comprehensive dental check-up for classes 6 to 9 students . The initiative aimed to raise awareness about oral hygiene and the importance of regular dental care.

The event was conducted by a team of experienced dentists Dr. Prashant Tripaathi and Dr. Pooja Tripathi From DENASIA Clinic, who volunteered their time and expertise. The check-up included a thorough examination of the students' teeth, gums, and overall oral health. The dentists provided personalised advice on proper brushing techniques, the importance of flossing, and dietary recommendations to prevent cavities and other dental issues.

Students were given individual reports detailing the state of their dental health, with specific recommendations for those requiring further treatment. The event also included a brief interactive session where the dentists addressed common myths about dental care and answered questions from the students. The Health Club plans to organise similar events in the future to continue promoting good health practices among students.

Overall, the dental check-up was a resounding success under the able guidance of our principal Rev. Fr. Jaison, contributing to the students' understanding of the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene.

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