St. Paul's Co-Ed School,Bhopal
Affiliated to CBSE Delhi,No.1030115
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31-Aug- 2024
The Kindergarten celebrated Salad Day on 31 August 2024 to create awareness about the importance of vegetables in our daily diet. All the students and teachers were dressed in varying hues of vegetables. Students and teachers highlighted the benefits of veggies. Eye-catching posters were displayed, with the objective of promoting the nutritional values of vegetables. Students did an energetic action dance that stole the event. Rev. Fr. Thomas, Vice-Principal graced the occasion with his esteemed presence. Sr. Airin, Section-in-charge inspired kids about the nutritional benefits of veggies. Children brought different types of vegetables as salad in their tiffins and creatively decorated them in their own way. They shared them with one another, fostering in them the importance of sharing. Students exuberantly took part in Salad Day, taking in the message of the regular intake of veggies in their diet.

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