The pandemic has made humans to find novel ways of learning as part of one’s own existence. The use of different apps for varied learning has come in vogue. The drastic change in the field of education was all the more challenging and affecting the traditional method of teaching-learning process. In this scenario there arose the need of innovation in education. Consequently, we too have adapted and updated so that the imparting knowledge will have more impact on the young minds.
Madhya Pradesh Government calendar of events has got a catchy jingle. It says, jan bhagidari se aatmanirbhar Madhya Pradesh- SELF-RELIANT MP THROUGH PEOPLE’S PARTICIPATION. Modern education or New Education Policy 2020 envisages the same idea. It visualises a participatory, experiential and competency based education.When you become competent enough along with your strenuous efforts, you can carve a niche in the vast expanse of excellence. In the Holy Bible, we read from the book of Proverbs, 15:14 “The mind of one who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouth of fools feed on folly”. My dear students, school can provide a conducive atmosphere for teaching-learning process. The steps that you take will lead you to the zenith of success.
Jean Piaget, Swiss Psychologist and educationist says that a teacher is not a transmitter of knowledge but a guide to the child for the discovery of his/her own world. Here teacher will navigate you through the mazes of life. J. Krishnamurti was one of the great philosopher-seers of 20th century with deep interest in the education of children. He considered introspection, self-discovery, harmony with all beings and Nature as the essence of holistic primary-secondary education. There is an emerging trend in the world of education which is called Entrepreneurship education. It is not simply a concept but more of an attitude and a way of life that induces the spirit and inquisitiveness to think in new ways and adapt to life’s challenges. The vision of St Paul school vividly displays this mindset. It states, “An institution of Excellence, creating global citizens and visionary leaders who function as catalysts in different spheres of life”. Let us strive together to achieve it.
Have a fruitful academic year ahead. God Bless.
Fr Jaison P CMI