- No student shall be absent during the evaluations and assessments and under no circumstances the evaluations and assessments will be conducted on a different date or out of turn.
- Those absent from an evaluation and assessment will be regarded absent and that will affect their grading, consequently their promotion too.
- Unsatisfactory progress in studies, insufficient attendance, misbehavior, malpractices during the evaluations and assessments may keep a student debarred from the examination followed by disciplinary action. 75% attendance is mandatory.
- A minimum of 33% of marks or a grade not less than ‘D’ in all subjects is required to be eligible for promotion.
- Achievement Record will be shown to the parents after the evaluations and assessments to assess the performance of their wards.
- The results of Periodic Tests and Final Evaluation will be declared only after clearing the school dues.
- Promotion is granted on the basis of the grades obtained in both the Periodic Tests as well as the Final Evaluation. The result declared at the end of the year is final. The minimum passing grade considered for promotion is ‘D’. This applies to all the classes. Compartment exam shall be conducted only for the students who fail to get the required grading for promotion as per the board guidelines.
- A student who fails twice in the same class, or fails in the board examination or gets compartment will not be permitted to continue studies in the school. Students should obtain the hall ticket after clearing the dues that are due to the school before giving the Periodic Tests and Final Evaluation.
- Examination: Any student found resorting to unfair means and receiving and giving assistance in any form during Tests/Examinations will be given zero in the subject and a warning letter. Repetition of the same may result in dismissal from the school.