St Paul Senior Secondary School,Bhopal |
School Fee |
All fees are to be deposited in the fee counter of the school or that of the bank. The Tuition Fees will be collected in installments. The fees should be deposited on or before 15th of the months mentioned above. A late fee of Rs. 10 will be charged upto the end of the month. Thereafter a late fee of Rs. 25 will be charged per month. Name of the student will be struck off the rolls after two months and readmission may be considered depending on the availability of seats in the class. Fees are charged for ten months of the year. Parents will have to keep the paying-in-slip counter foils with them at least for two years and produce them whenever required by the school for checking. There will be a provisional revision in the school tuition fees every year to the tune of minimum 10% due to the increasing cost of maintenance and other expenses. |
School Fee |
All fees are to be deposited in the fee counter of the school or that of the bank. The Tuition Fees will be collected in installments. The fees should be deposited on or before 15th of the months mentioned above. A late fee of Rs. 10 will be charged upto the end of the month. Thereafter a late fee of Rs. 25 will be charged per month. Name of the student will be struck off the rolls after two months and readmission may be considered depending on the availability of seats in the class. Fees are charged for ten months of the year. Parents will have to keep the paying-in-slip counter foils with them at least for two years and produce them whenever required by the school for checking. There will be a provisional revision in the school tuition fees every year to the tune of minimum 10% due to the increasing cost of maintenance and other expenses. |